Ответы доктра Линды Розелл-Шеннон на вопросы о глаукоме при КАД на веках:
Из-за чего может быть глаукома при КАД на веках?
"Glaucoma from a port wine stain/Sturge-Weber syndrome is because the birthmark's increased blood vessel size is also behind the eye. In other words, it goes from the soft tissue around the eye tissue all the way behind your eye where you have thick blood vessels behind your eye they put pressure on the globe or your eyeball and that pressure is called glaucoma."
Могут ли лазерные обработки предотвратить развитие глаукомы?
"We don't know. Does the increased vascularity from stain on eyelid feed behind the eye? Maybe. So if you laser and thereby collapse vessels around eye will you cut off blood supply to behind the eye? Maybe. It's never been tested."